Dave Zimmer (Co-owner and CEO, Fleet Feet Sports Chicago)
Steve Ginsburg (Owner and CEO, RAM Racing)
Meet two of the most successful players in running and endurance sports, Dave Zimmer from Fleet Feet Sports Chicago (www.fleetfeetchicago.com) and Steve Ginsburg from RAM Racing www.ramracing.enmotive.com). How did they build their respective businesses? And how exactly did these two competitors become friends and collaborators?
The Hot Chocolate 5K/15K are two of the largest races of their kind in the world. Painless listeners can take $5 off entry with the code “HCPAINLESS” when you register at www.hotchocolate15k.com!
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Join us TONIGHT (9/20) from 6-8p at Brickhouse Tavern at Wrigley! Tickets: https://www.eventsprout.com/event/painlesswise-sports-tech-event
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ABOUT Painless Podcast: Get to know interesting people, jobs and places to work in and around sports, events, start-ups and cause marketing world. Hosted by Chris Hartweg (@chartweg). Focusing on how and why they landed where they are and the role of mentoring and networking to get there.
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